Sign Up
When you go to Brandzaffair, find the Join Us button in the top right corner. Choose a Sign-in name, enter your email address, create and confirm your password and click Join Us. Simple!
Why should you consider signing up? You can find friends and your favorite brands to follow. And best of all, we will help you find the best deals with your favorite brands!
Create Your Profile
Once you have sign up, you will see a Welcome Page. Upload an image by clicking change over the silhouette.
Next you will want to click Update Your Profile. Quickly enter your Location, Birthday, Gender, select which type of products you shop for online, Enter your Facebook and Twitter and Interests. Then click SAVE in the upper right corner of the page.
Check Your Settings
Once your account is active, you may want to check your email and from there you can customize your email notification settings. In the beginning you might want to keep your notifications on. It’s a great way to find new friends and see the best deals from all of your brand. You can always turn them off later if they are clogging your inbox.
Next week we’ll discuss how to add your favorite brands and how to shop with a friend.