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Look of the Week!

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Los Angeles: The Garment District

If the tag on your clothing reads made in Los Angeles, they more than likely come from the Fashion District. Hollywood costume departments have custom

A Lesson in Layering

Fall is here, temperatures are dropping, and the time for piling on clothes has arrived and, with that, the dreaded fear of looking like an

The Future is Sporty

You’ve most likely seen it by now: “dressy” sweatpants, fleece bomber jackets, or sparkling clean running shoes paired with a suit. If you haven’t, then

Best Street Fashion: Oakland

Just a hop over the bay from San Francisco sits Oakland, a multi-cultural hotspot for fashion firsts and trendsetters, specifically the area around Lake Merritt.

How To Explore Your Own City

Travel addicts are dreamers. We long for the far away, picture ourselves on planes, and love to imagine strange surroundings. That is, until reality sets

Layering Combinations for Winter

After a fairly mild winter beginning it’s easy to forget how bitter a cold snap can be, which is why we highly recommend mastering the

Iconic American Fashion

Given that it’s was just 4th of July – a day on which we generally tend to focus on what’s good about the US –

History of American Women’s Fashion

In 2010, The Costume Institute at the Metropolitan Museum in New York City ran an exhibition called, “American Woman: Fashioning a National Identity.” It explored

How to Wear Earth Toned Workwear

IT DOESN’T HAVE TO BE EARTH DAY TO WORK WITH A NATURAL COLOR PALATE Discussions of color – and adding color into one’s wardrobe –

Behind the Brand: Oliver Peoples

In this day and age, when all major fashion brands feel like they have to get into every possible accessory sector, it’s highly refreshing to

How to Sculpt Your Face

When you contour your makeup, you’re essentially doing some real life Photoshop on your face. Your cheekbones pop, your face glows, and in general, your

Red October

Clockwise from right ot left: Ellen Tracy Wool Coat, Page Denim Skinny Jeans, Acne Studios Bootie, Gentle Monster Retro Sunglasses

Sunglass Obsession: The Right Fit

Quick, name one item you never leave home without. If you said sunglasses, you’re on the ball. Sunglasses, just as much as your hairstyle, purse

Denim: Fashion’s Frontier Exhibit

Denim’s been around for 175 years—which, as far as fashions go, is a long time—and it’s endured various iterations throughout that period. The Museum at

5 Beauty Looks to Try

It’s that time of year where we’re faithful to our favorite shade of burgundy lipstick and get to play up our other features with high-impact

3 Key Warm Weather Fabrics

The return of double-digit temperatures doesn’t necessarily mean stripping away all your clothes. While it’s tempting to reduce your wardrobe to shorts, tanks and flip

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